Educational Ecosystem
Teaching & Learning
Family Partnerships
Community Partnerships
Schoolwide Systems & Structures
Faculty & Staff
An educational ecosystem that fosters growth must be founded on equitable systems and bolstered by successful teaching and learning, inclusive frameworks, collaborative relationships with families, and community engagement that prioritizes systemically marginalized people. When all of these elements work together, students thrive and communities are strengthened.
Boys Middle School Curricular Framework
Moving From Theory to Practice
Disrupting the Status Quo
What they’re saying.
Boys Middle School Curricular Framework
By collaborating with the University of Washington’s ECO (education, community, and organizations) program, we gathered both qualitative and quantitative data, enabling us to gain a more complete comprehension of the assets.
Anti-Racist Inquiry Cycle
The Anti-Racist Inquiry Cycle is a tool that helps people to explore and reflect upon their own positionality and understanding of race and racism. Through this process, participants can identify and challenge their own biases and assumptions, and develop a deeper understanding of how systemic racism operates in society.
What they’re saying.
"I look forward to making the Anti-Racist Inquiry Cycle part of our school’s DNA praxis."
L.A. Unified Administrator
"The initial and crucial step in understanding how race and racism affect you is by conducting a personal inventory during the Anti-Racist Inquiry Cycle."
Nonprofit Executive Director
"Engaging the Anti-Racist Inquiry Cycle has helped my teaching practices be more culturally responsive."
Middle School Science Teacher